Grandiose ascension definition
Grandiose ascension definition

grandiose ascension definition

Again, like the other flavors of spirituality, this one is mostly an outer expression with some limited sense of how God truly works. Some who choose this route find fulfillment through extensive involvement in their church or community, taking on projects, volunteering and basically giving of their time to be of service to those in need. Their conscience feels clearer to be outside the money hungry world of business and many try to be positive contributors where they can.Īnd probably the most traditional form of spirituality is to follow a world religion such as Christianity, Muslim or Judaism, attend regular services, pray to God and do the best to live a morally ‘correct’ life. In this modality, people refuse traditional work, anything that supports the profit driven society and then proceed to barely eke out a survival, living in a poverty mindset yet happy not to be contributing to the demise of our planet. This style of spirituality is fine although it often produces a subtle attitude of righteousness, separation and exclusion.Īnother form of spirituality is to reject the economic system and become a ‘free spirit’. There is a ‘spiritual, not religious’ form where people do yoga, or practice meditation focused around stilling their minds and breathing deeply, or they take on an outer cause to defend (animal rights, human rights, environmental protection etc) or they become vegetarians for political or health reasons. Spirituality, according to a huge majority in our world, takes a few clichéd forms. Or if I said I would provide weekly reports to document the progress of our project but 2 months had past and you still hadn’t seen one report, this would be grounds for concern. For example, if I tell you that by hiring my company, you will see an increase in profits of 50% in the first 6 months but in fact, you only see an increase of 20%, you would be understandably disappointed. In business relationships, the managing of expectations is a critical part of what makes a particular partnership work over the long term. When people first begin to get serious about their spirituality, they are often quite surprised that it is much harder than expected.

Grandiose ascension definition